

Halloween 2014

Halloween has come and gone and we now need a major sugar detox! If you need some ideas on what to do with all that Halloween candy, I have a few ideas here.

Here is a little recap of the festivities...

My mom planted pumpkins in her garden for the kids and they had a great time harvesting them

We then got to carve those suckers!

I love dressing up. I think it's fun to put on crazy costumes and make-up. So when we got invited to a costume party we, of course, said yes!

My hubby and I went as hippies

On another evening, while my hubby went to a football game, I went to a neighbor's party. This time, I went as Cleopatra.

I found a Cleopatra make-up tutorial here. FYI, you need A LOT of black eyeliner.

The kids had their fair share of dress opportunities carnival, church trunk-or-treat night, school parties and Halloween night.

Bigfoot & Snow White at the school carnival

Craft-makin' Froggie at her preschool party

Sumo wrestling at the church Harvest Party

Trick-or-Treating with monks (Daddy & Uncle Willy)

Another fun holiday in the books for the Turcos. I hope you had a fun and safe Halloween!

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