

What to do with leftover Halloween Candy

With Halloween just 2 days away, I'm already anticipating the truckloads of candy that will be coming home with our kiddos. Here are a few ideas of what to do with all that loot!

Use the M&M's for sundaes, trail mix and cookies or other baked goods.

Flourless Monster Cookies via lifeingrace

Use Butterfingers for Butterfinger Pie...YUM!

Butterfinger Pie with only 4 ingredients.  The perfect recipe for leftover Halloween candy.  Easy and delicious!

Use Peanut Butter Cups (my favorite!) for blondies, brownies and cookies.


For Reece's Pieces, make this! It is dangerously good! Sweet. Salty. Crunchy. Peanut Buttery. You can't go wrong.


These also look amazing!

Reese's Pieces Soft Peanut Butter Cookies - Recipe at

We save the hard candy & lollipops to add to our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.

Got a birthday coming up? Use the leftover candy for this cute Birthday Wreath.

Candy Birthday Wreath

Freeze chocolate candy and save for later snacking or gingerbread house making.

Some dentists will exchange the candy for a small, healthy treat or toy.

You can also donate the candy to organizations like Operation Gratitude, an organization that makes care packages for deployed troops.

How do you handle the overflow of candy in your house?

** UPDATE **
I've had quite a few people tell me about a visit from the Great Pumpkin or Switch Witch. Kids leave their candy on their porch in exchange for small toy or non-food treat. Always Expect Moore has an explanation of the Great Pumpkin here. Have you tried this?


  1. Birthday candy wreath....what a great idea! And we have a November bday in just a few weeks. I think we will be doing this!

  2. oh and i love your site redesign too!

  3. Thanks for sharing! I will most definitely use some of these ideas!
