

Random Update

WOW! I didn't mean to take a break from blogging for that long. The last few weeks have been jammed-packed...

Baseball, dance, Spring performances, preparing for upcoming birthdays, auctions and teacher appreciation week (and then all the regular stuff, like laundry, dishes, packing lunches and making dinners, etc.) Whew!

This month we will be celebrating this sweet girl

She's growing up so fast!

She has decided to have a joint party with her birthday twin and good friend, Charlie. Here's the invitation we sent our to her class

They are so goofy together. The photos are SO them! I love it. We purchased them from Walgreens. Easy, inexpensive and fast!

In between the busyness, we try to make time for fun too, like a story box

and a dinner date with my favorite girls

Next week is Teacher Appreciation week and there are a lot of great ideas out there! Check out my DIY Gifts Pinterest Board for some of them.

Have a great weekend!

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