

Easter Weekend Update

I hope you had a wonderful Easter! Easter is always a wave of emotion for me. It's overwhelming to think about Jesus' sacrifice, His love for me and His power to overcome death! We serve a LIVING God!

On Friday night we went to Good Friday service. Always meaningful. And I always cry.

Saturday morning was spent at the Easter Egg Hunt. My hubby got a selfie with the Easter Bunny. HA!

The kids had a great time with their friends

Sunday was church and off to my parents' house for our big Italian Easter dinner. We always make homemade pasta and ravioli

My mom always makes Braciole too, which is an Italian rolled, stuffed steak. YUM!

She uses my Great Grandma's recipe, but Giada has a good Braciole recipe too.

And we had another Easter Egg Hunt

They had color coded eggs so that everyone got the same amount of eggs to find. Had to make it fair so that there weren't any fights or tears.

It was a great and memorable weekend! I hope you had a great Easter too!

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