


It's been a while since I've done an InstaFriday post, where I link up with Jeannett over at Life Rearranged and share some random photos of what we've been up to. This is our Christmas version...

Our very large, Clark Griswald tree. It was comical getting this beast into the house, but it's up, alive and well.

Our elf, Pepper Mindt, showed up and he has really lived up to his name. He LOVES minty treats.

The "peppermint seeds" turned into candy canes, after being "planted" into brown sugar. I have more Elf on the Shelf shenanigans here.

I added a new decoration this year. It's a semi-handmade concoction...JOY lights purchased from Target, hubby put wood slats together and I painted the "to the world". Joint effort and I love it.

My mom and I attended a cooking demonstration at Macy's. Did you know Macy's has a Culinary Council and offers events like this? Me neither. My mom got us tickets and it was really fun! Nancy Silverton (La Brea Bakery and many other restaurants) and Tom Douglas (The Dahlia Bakery) were the featured chefs.

My hubby got to get out for a date night...his & hers.

We watched White Christmas, because it just isn't Christmas without this classic movie.

There's been lots of time spent in the kitchen...Cinnamon Rolls

Pretzel Rolo Turtles with the cutest little helpers ever!

And a homemade GAK gift for her brother. We got the recipe from here and it really is like the real stuff!

And lastly, my wrapping station. Just keeping it real. I'm a messy wrapper. Are you all done with your wrapping?

I am not and will be locked away in here until Christmas Eve, so if I don't see you...MERRY CHRISTMAS!


  1. I'll need to keep an eye out for cooking demos at my Macy's! Glad there is someone else who thinks it isn't Christmas without viewing 'White Christmas', although I don't stop at just one. ;-)

  2. Such great pictures! You're elf is crafty, our hasn't moved in a couple of days.

  3. LOVE your tree!!!

    Merry Christmas :) Stopping by from Insta-Friday
