

Christmas Cake Pops

With Christmas fast approaching and this crazy cold weather we've had in the Northwest, I've been baking away for my annual cookie swap and treats for my hubby's co-workers and kids' teachers.

A new treat I'm adding to the Christmas baking repertoire this year are Christmas Cake Pops!

How cute are these?

You can find a basic cake pop recipe here and swap out any flavors you want. For these, I used a white cake mix and white bark coating (Kroger).

And instead of regular lollipop sticks, I used the ever-so versatile party straws in Christmas colors! They're not just for beverages! You can purchase them here from my good friend, Melissa. It's a fun way to incorporate color and make your pops stand out :)

There are so many possibilities and combinations with cake pops. And when you wrap them up individually, they make great gifts!

Are you baking something new this year?


  1. These look delicious and so cute! I like the idea of using the party straws.
