

The time is flying by

Seriously. FLY.ING. These last few weeks have been complete craziness, hence the blog sitting pretty on the back burner. The headlines...

This guy turned 8 last week!!

It's hard to believe it's been 8 years already! I still remember the day we brought him home and how tiny he was. He was 6 lbs. 2 oz when he was born...just a little peanut.

Donuts and a bucket of baseballs were waiting for him when he woke up.

At lunch time, I surprised him with a special lunch at school. Smiles from ear to ear.

He had a baseball game that evening and after we went to Red Robin with our families. Food, ice cream and presents...what more could a boy ask for?

The celebrating continued the next day with a birthday party at Sky High Sports, a wall-to-wall trampoline venue. All the kids got some donuts to take home. I found a really cute "8 is great" printable here

To keep going with the 8 theme, I made an 8 cake

He had a great few days of celebrating!

Sweet Pea is getting ready for a dance recital. This is our first ever recital with the whole costume and everything. It's quite a production, but she's having fun and loves doing it with her friends.

I got to take a break from the busyness and spend the evening with some awesome girlfriends and Hillsong United. We got the royal treatment...a private suite, server who brought us food and VIP parking...BOOM! We have friends in high places and got totally spoiled!

It was an awesome concert!

On Saturday, the Boy had a baseball tournament and they played in the championship and WON! They went undefeated all season. It was a lot of fun...great coaches, new friends and just an all around good time.

After a week and weekend of non-stop to-dos and places to be, it was time to relax and break in the new slip-n-slide.

We have one more week of school and then things slow down for us a bit. I'm looking forward to it.


ALSO, last week I shared my classic guac recipe over at 30 days. You can see it here.

Have a great week!

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