


I'm linking up with Jeannett over at Life Rearranged for InstaFriday, even though it's Saturday. Late to the party, as usual.

Speaking of Jeannett...she wrote an awesome post about the #fitchthehomeless campaign that's running around the web and she put into words exactly what I was thinking in my brain. She's such a great blogger and I appreciate her heart.

Did you have a nice Mother's Day? We had a great weekend! Lots of time just being together as a family. And I got to sleep in! Ahhh, what a treat!

Sweet Pea's preschool did a Mother's Day Tea and we were not allowed in until party time. She was serious. There were bouncers and everything.

Sweet Pea got a new bike for her birthday, along with a sweeeeet new helmet! Meow!

She loves bath time.

Successful day at the dentist. No cavities. No tears. All smiles.

I make school lunches every night before I go to bed and this was my attempt to get out of the rut I am in...Cherry Chocolate PB sandwiches. I didn't hear any complaining after school, so I guess it was all good.

This is what we do during at every one of brother's baseball games...sandpit. It's actually a jumping pit for track & field. And it's not like the soft, beachy sand. Oh no. It's grainy, rocky, yucky sand. Ewwww. But whatever keeps her off the baseball field!

Someone got an easel for her birthday and she LOVES it! She's our little budding artist.

And I finally got to a project that I've been wanting to do...creating a chalkboard and a corkboard for a little message center in our kitchen.

P.S. There's a new app called A Beautiful Mess and it has lots of fun doodles and text to add to your photos. If you're wondering about some of the photos above, that's the app I used :)

life rearranged

1 comment:

  1. I love the new helmet. I love how it has extras on it, super cute. Interesting sandwich combo, I never would have thought of that at all. Makes me want to try it. Popping by from Life Rearranged.
