

A Good Ol' Fashioned Birthday Party

When I asked Sweet Pea what she wanted to do for her birthday, her response was..."I want to do a party in the backyard, play games and have chocolate cake." That's my kind of party. Done and done!

We threw a good ol' fashioned vintage birthday party on a Friday after school. The weather was perfect! We had a little snack that included Pink Punch, watermelon, veggies and animal crackers. These cute straws were my color inspiration.

I set out blankets on the lawn and the girls snacked and talked. So sweet!

After snack time, we played musical chairs...classic!

Then human wheelbarrow races.

They were hilarious!

After that, we played Pin the Tail on the Donkey.

The girls were getting hot and needed a little break, so we went into the house for cake and ice cream and presents.

The Pioneer Woman's Chocolate Sheet Cake makes an appearance at almost every birthday party.

After cooling off in the house, we went back outside and daddy helped with the pinata. It was a huge highlight of the party!


Such a sweet group of girls. 7 is a fun age.

The next morning was her actual birthday, for which we had donuts for breakfast and dinner with family. 

That candle got a lot of use!

It is a joy to watch her grow. We are blessed beyond measure! Happy 7th Birthday Sweet Pea!

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