

Back to School Tips

For some around the country, you have already packed the lunches, stuffed the backpacks and sent your dear ones off to school. But for us in the Pacific NW, we have a few more weeks of summer.

As we gear up for school routines, early wake up calls and a new schedule, I wanted to share some helpful tips that are inspiring me to get organized.

Here are three back to school organization tips...easy and totally do-able.

3 Easy Ideas for Back to School via Clean Mama

Mornings are always crazytown here. 

No matter what time the kids wake up, early or late, it never fails that someone can't find their shoe, a permission slip needs to be signed, someone's chocolate milk got spilled in their backpack from the day before, homework is missing and usually at least one child is crying for one reason or another. 

So, breakfast is usually a piece of bread with some peanut butter slathered on it...on a good day! 

Or a granola bar as we run out the door.

In an effort to make sure everyone eats a decent breakfast, here are a few make-ahead, grab & go breakfast ideas I'd like to try:

Pancake muffins...the kids would love these!

Easy Baked Pancake Muffins - ---- Family Fresh Meals --

One of our favorites...Berry Peachy Smoothie

Berry Peachy Smoothie

I like the idea of smoothie packets too


Pre-made oatmeal in jars. Just microwave and go.


Mini Frittatas

Easy Egg breakfast

These breakfast burritos are yummy!


PB and Banana Muffins, with only 5 ingredients...the perfect simple breaky.

Peanut Butter Banana 5 ingredient blender muffins

Eggs Benedict with homemade Hollandaise sauce, green salad and freshly-squeezed oj...hahahaha just kidding. 

Eggs Benedict

Ah, yes...lunches. Towards the middle of the year, I get in a rut. This post is sure to free me of that! I mean, come on! 2,250 lunch combos?! With a printable?! Awesomesauce!


I have a whole Pinterest board dedicated to School Lunches. You can check it out here.

And to stay on track for dinners, here are a bunch of easy crockpot recipes:

Here is a super easy meal plan - get 20 slow cooker meals from Aldi for under $150.00!  This includes printable shopping list, monthly calendar, and recipes for all 20 meals!

Over a month's worth of the best Slow Cooker Meals .  Have something ready for dinner every night!

Crock Pot BBQ Ribs
And last, but not least, here's a little laugh for your Thursday

How do you stay on top of everything during the school year?

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