

Guest Room Elements

I didn't mean to be gone for so long, but I've been busy working on our guest room. Since we moved in (almost a year and a half ago), it has been a catch-all.

With friends coming to stay in a few weeks and the kids at camp this week, it was the perfect opportunity to make our guest room a pretty and functional space.

I didn't really have a plan going into this, but I started with curtains...

Then I painted some existing tables we already had...

made some pillows...

and spray painted some thrift store lamps.

I scored these lamps for $3.50 a piece!

Hoping to share some more photos of the whole room next week. 

I was really inspired by Lysa TerKeurst's series on Turning a House into a Home on a Thrift-Store Budget and it came at the perfect time. 

What are some money-saving decorating tips?