

The birthday festivities continue...

I know, I know...ANOTHER birthday post. Birthdays are a big deal around here.

We celebrated The Boy's 9th birthday about a week ago with our families, then we celebrated his actual birthday, then we had a party for him and his friends on Friday.

It was a perfect day! We filled up some water balloons and headed to the park with some balloons and cake.

The kids played capture the flag with the water balloons and then the birthday boy got doused with a bucket of water (of course I didn't have my camera and the entire bucket of water balloons was gone in about 2 minutes, so I didn't get any pictures)! Bummer.

After some messing around, it was pizza time

After pizza, the kids played some more and then he opened presents

Cake time!

More playtime with the new toys. Daddy came to the rescue to get a flyer out of the tree. Everyone was concerned, as you can see.

Climbing trees

This was probably one of his most favorite parties. Kids being kids. Playing. Having fun. Sometimes keeping things simple is the best and most memorable.

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