

Monday Ramblings

Happy Monday friends!

We had a full weekend of baseball, dance recital, sleepovers and helping friends move. By last night everyone was cranky and tired. The house is still quiet this morning and I am letting the kiddos catch up on their sleep.

Our little dancer
Their dance routine was "The Lonely Goatherd" from The Sound of Music. It was the cutest! Our little sweet pea was so into it!

Now that summer is in full swing, we have our summer list to check off, but I also have my own list of projects around the house that I want to complete.

One of those projects is our guest room. It has been a catch-all since we moved in and I'd like to make it a more inviting and functional space. First project...curtains!

On Saturday night I was up late sewing. I got one panel done. Hoping to finish the other one today.

Have you ever sewed curtains before? They are pretty easy to do (and quick too)! Design Sponge has a great tutorial.

Speaking of house stuff...Lysa TerKerust and The Nester are teaming up for this awesome blog series: Turning your House into a Home on a Thrift Store Budget.

Turning Your House into a Home on a Thrift Store Budget: Day 1

Perfect timing! I will definitely be checking in on that!

What are some projects you have planned for the summer?

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