


It's been a while since I've done an InstaFriday so to ring in the first week of March, here it is! A few of these are photos from my phone, that didn't make it to Instagram.

Last Friday, our community had a Daddy-Daughter dance. Sweet Pea had been looking forward to it ALL week! She got to have her daddy all to herself.

While they were off dining and dancing, The Boy, Sweet Baby Girl and I went to a local art studio

The next night, I went back to the Art Studio for a Wine & Paint class with some girlfriends. Here was our project...

It was a really fun night!

Have you heard of Training Children in Grace & Truth? I recently liked them on Facebook and the other page suggestions they gave me were interesting. 

2pac? Really? Not sure what he has to do with raising children, but thank you for the recommendation, Facebook.

Speaking of children, this little one has been busy in her kitchen

It's hard to believe she's going to be 3 in a month! Where did my baby go?

She's been asking to make cake for a while and I finally gave in. We made rainbow cupcakes, because you can't NOT be happy while eating one.

AND this week, at our church rummage sale, I scored in the toy department!

I had one of these cash registers when I was a kid and my parents still have it. It is the first thing the kids pull out when we are there. This one is in great condition and still even has coins with it! For $4, I'll take it! 

If you live in the Northwest, I'd highly recommend making a trip to the sale. It's HUGE and it's happening tonight and tomorrow. You can get all the details here.

Happy Friday, my friends!!

life rearranged


  1. I had that cash register too! I loved playing cashier. But I was super jealous of kids that had the fancier ones that made the beepy sound when you "scanned" things. LOL.

  2. That cupcake is awesome.
    And I had that cash register, too! SO fun!!

  3. That cupcake is awesome.
    And I had that cash register, too! SO fun!!
