

Mom 100 Cookbook

Raise your hand if you love dinner time.

(crickets chirping)

That's what I thought.

I love cooking and baking for my family, but lately, dinnertime has been a little stressful. Meltdowns on cue, complaining about what's for dinner and grumpy attitudes at the table.

I don't know when or how it happened, but all of the sudden we have picky eaters in the house.

So, in an attempt to kick those attitudes to the curb, I've been working my way through The Mom 100 Cookbook by Katie Workman.

She has variations of simple, flavorful recipes to please everyone.

And everything I've made out of the book has been awesome!

In fact, I made a Lentil, Tomato and Rice Soup and my 8 year old (who will not touch tomatoes with a 10 foot pole) announced that it was the BEST. DINNER. EVER. !!!!! Now that is saying somethin'!

The pancakes are also fabulous! I've made them many times.

If you're like me and have picky eaters or are stuck in a rut, I highly recommend this book. AND right now it's only $6.78 on Amazon! That is a great price! Go snatch it up!

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