


Last week was a roller coaster of emotions. On Thursday evening, the Boy went with his baseball team to see a teammate of theirs who was battling cancer. Just hours after they had seen their 8 year old friend, he went home to be with Jesus. It has rocked our community, baseball team and family. And while we celebrate the health he now has in heaven, we grieve here on earth and for his family. Please pray for them this week as they prepare for services.

The very next day, we celebrated our Sweet Pea. Her birthday is this week, but we had a little party for her and her birthday twin, Charlie, with all their preschool friends. They are best of friends AND they share a birthday. It is a sweet friendship.

At the request of the birthday twins, we served bubblegum cupcakes

and Mint Chocolate cupcakes...

All their friends got take home a little goody bag filled with bubbles, sidewalk chalk, lollipop, pad & pencil.

My inspiration for these bags came from here. SO easy...bag, two sizes of cupcake liners and a tag all stapled together. The tags and cupcake toppers (above on the Mint Chocolate cupcakes) came from here.

We spent a lot of time soaking up the sun this weekend...water balloons, sidewalk chalk, bubbles and the sprinkler all came out.

The Boy had a meeting with his cub scout den and they performed a flag ceremony for the grand opening of our new community center in our neighborhood.

And THIS WEEK is Teacher Appreciation Week. Sweet Pea's teacher got donuts this morning, which we put in this cute bag...

You can find the printable here. I just printed it on a brown paper bag and it worked great!

There are so many cute ideas floating around Pinterest. Have a whole board dedicated to DIY gifts with LOTS of teacher appreciation ideas. Go check it out!

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