

A few house photos

My sister-in-law gave this Katie Daisy print to me for Christmas. LOVE it! You can find it here

Well, now that we've been in our house for just about two months, I thought I'd share a few pictures. Things are still a work in progress around here and I'm thinking they will be for quite some time. But here's a few for now. The kitchen:

It normally doesn't look like this. Just imagine piles of dishes in the sink, food all over the counters and junk mail piled up on the island...that's about right.

My two little lonely globes need a friend. In fact, I need some fillers up on top of the other cabinets. Any suggestions?

Okay, and I know I'm a total dork for taking a picture of an outlet, but look closely...

USB PORTS!!!! Genius! 

My hubby found it on Amazon and installed it (NOTE: if you plan to install one, turn off your power first! Speaking from experience here, folks). You can find it here.

This is our dining area, just off the kitchen

Again, the cleanest you will probably ever see it. Normally it's covered in ketchup, syrup, glitter, playdough and who knows what else!

Here's where we spend a lot of our time...the family room:

We're still fine tuning the decorating, but it will come in time. We are loving our new place and our neighborhood.


  1. Haven't commented in a while, but I've been reading.
    Lovely, lovely home! You must be so excited!

  2. Thank you, Jill! Yes! We are so excited to finally be in our home after months of watching it being built. So good to hear from you :)
