

Complete & Total Randomness

Here's what's going on in our little neck of the woods, in no particular order...

Our house is ALMOST done! The landscaping went in today and my friend, Kristy, sent me this photo.

Of course, I had to drive by and see it for myself!

I've jumped on the Downton Abbey bandwagon. I've watched the entire first season on Amazon Prime and I love it!

Today, I took our sweet baby girl in for a flu shot (yes, a little late I that flu season is just about over). She did fine and we walked out of the office only to be chased down by the nurse letting me know that our sweet baby girl was behind on all her other vaccines.

The nurse said "since you're here, I can give her six of the seven she needs." Ahem...what? I thought the one flu shot was traumatic enough, let alone SIX?! I opted to break it up and she got two more. She did surprisingly well, but I have to say, visits to the doctor and watching our kiddos endure pain is the worst part of parenting, especially when you can't explain to them why.

My friend, Katie, and I are on week three of Jamie Easton's Live Fit program. It's a Strength Training Program and I. AM. SORE. I don't want to be a bodybuilder or anything, I just want to get toned and lean. We'll see how it goes.

How about you? What's going on with you?

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