

And another month has come and gone...

WOW! I can't believe how fast February went by! We got our keys to our new house last Friday and started moving things in right away. We were SO excited to get in! We've been waiting for 6 months for this house to be built and now that it's done, it was so worth it.

We have been crazily working to get things organized and unpacked, which is a little more difficult this time around since there are 3 kiddos to taxi around and life goes on as usual. It's a process that seems endless, but I'm just trying to take it one room at a time. But our friends, family and my hubby have been super helpful!

Here's our goofy little family...

So that is what has been happening over here. I'm sure there will be many tutorials and projects to share in the coming weeks and months.

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