


Happy Weekend Friends!

I'm a day late on my InstaFriday post, due to some technical issues with my computer. But here it is!

Last weekend, my hubby and I got to have a weekend away to San Diego! We were a teeny, tiny bit excited (and flabbergasted) that it was really happening (this was the first time, since we've had kids, that we've gone away for an entire weekend)!

We had a fun little rental car

 And an awesome view from our hotel room

My college roomie got married and while we got to celebrate their commitment to each other, the hubs and I also got to reconnect and enjoy some quality time together!

Rehearsal dinner with the bride-to-be

In-n-Out was one of our first stops...obvs!

Wedding on the Harbor


The Happy Couple

Congratulations Andy & Stefanie!

Goodbye San Diego...

Stay classy!

life rearranged

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