

Insta-Friday: Christmas Recap

I didn't blog much for the month of December, so I thought I'd give you a little peek of our Christmas season, my favorite time of year.

** WARNING **  There are a lot of photos. This is one month's worth of InstaFridays all rolled into one, it's one long puppy. Here it goes...

Our church had a DIY gift fair, where we got to make all sorts of cool and cute projects to give away as gifts. Here's what we came home with.

I hosted our annual cookie exchange. This year I made Chocolate Crinkles. YUM!

Cookie Exchange loot...

I made these little party favors...cute, easy and yummy!

Sweet Pea had her first dance performance and it was adorable!

The hubs and I snuck out for a date night

Lots of baking going on...Pam's Cheesecake (holy moly! SO good!), Pinwheel cookies, cinnamon rolls, Christmas Crunch and lots of other delicious confections.

Christmas program at her preschool

Gingerbread House-Makin' with some yummy homemade gingerbread pieces (made by someone from my parents' church)

A visit from Uncle Spencer and Aunt Kate!

Seriously awesome white elephant party with some of the funniest people we know. 

Gifts included: pigs feet (ewwww!), fancy jingle bell underwear, for men (double ewwww!) and...

oversized hand drink holders. So many belly laughs that night!

We had an Elf this year. Meet Tinsel...

He did things a little differently...he would leave us notes with a mission for the day. One day he asked us to make Christmas cards for people in the armed service.

The whole family got involved and we send a big envelope of cards to Holiday Cards for Heros.

Some days he would just hang around

On one of the days, we were instructed to plant "peppermint seeds" in a bowl of brown sugar. 

The kids had to practice patience as they waited for their seeds to sprout. 

It took 2 days until the kids could harvest the candy. On the 2nd day, we read about the significance of candy canes.

Reading Santa's Favorite Story to some other little friends...

Tinsel also brought the kids "Snowman Poop" (doughnut holes) and explained that in the North Pole cleaning up the Snowman Poop is one of his chores. He then went on to ask what the kids could do to help out around the house.
On Christmas Eve, Tinsel instructed us to bake a birthday cake for Jesus. We baked a yummy banana cake, but sadly, I don't have any pictures of it.

Kitchen helpers

Brownies and milk for Santa. Carrot for the reindeer.

I actually don't have any photos of us opening presents, but this is the aftermath...

The Boy got a lot of Legos. It kept him busy for a day or two.

I hope you had a wonderful CHRISTmas with many fun memories to cherish!

life rearranged


  1. Love that your elf left you instructions to help others for Christmas. I'm going to have to steal this idea for next year. :)

  2. ooh my mom makes those cookies every year too! they are SOO good!
