

Happy Day 2012

Last week was The Happy Day Project. A week where Jeannett assigns a project for each day of the week.

The purpose of each assignment is to give and to bless someone else.
To stretch ourselves in a way that we might not normally.
And to show the love of Jesus in a very real and tangible way.

Here's a recap for the week:

Day 1: Write a handwritten note. I wrote a letter to my aunt, who is one of the sweetest, kindest people on the planet. She sends our family little care packages every now and then. She is always so thoughtful.

The second note was to my hubby. There are many things I think and never say, so this was my chance to let him know he is loved. It's hidden away for him to find unexpectly.

I wrote both notes on this AWESOME printable by Pen & Paint. I will be using this over and over and over! It just screams HAPPY!

printable notecards available here

Day 2: Gift card to the homeless. I purchased two gift cards to McDonald's to keep in the car. We don't have a large homeless community in our town, but my husband works in the city where there is a great need so, they will stay in his car.


Day 3: Treat Someone. Sweet Pea and I made these chocolate chip cookies (the best!) and had planned to take them to the workers that are working on building our house. BUT, every time we've gone by to drop them off, no one is there. AND, since these cookies are irresistible we all keep sneaking one and NOW, there are not many left. I will have to try again with a fresh batch. So, on to the day four. 


Day 4: Blessing Bags. I think these are such a great idea. We filled a couple of Ziploc bags with some basic necessities like socks, cough drops, band-aids, shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, Advil, TP, deodorant, gum and snacks. We'll be keeping these in my hubby's car as well.


Day 5: Appreciating those in service. Last year the kids and I made Christmas cards for soldiers and veterans and sent them through the Holiday Mail for Heroes program. We plan to do that again this year. 

What I love about the Happy Day Project is that the assignments are simple, intentional tasks and ones that we can throw into our mundane schedules and continue beyond the Happy Day Project week. It's easy for me get caught up in all the hustle and bustle of the day...getting the kids from here to there, PTA meetings, church functions, school events, and on and on. But something as simple as keeping a gift card in the car, making cookies for someone who needs encouragement or sending a note to a friend are all things that are do-able and really show others that they are valued.

To keep the giving going, our family has a tradition of packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child.


All the kids pitched in to pack up the boxes. We did one for a boy and one for girl. 


These boxes go to needy children around the world that won't get a Christmas gift otherwise.


This has been a great activity to do as a family and last year we really enjoyed tracking our boxes to see where they ended up.

This is collection week. If you're interested in packing a box for a child that may not have much a Christmas this year, pack your box and drop it off at a location near you by next Monday, November 19. There is still time!


  1. I love that you admitted to sneaking the cookies! I made the most horrible batch of cookies this week for the Project...I forgot the flour! And writing a note to your hubby was a great idea, I'll be stealing that one!

  2. Love your recap! How cute is that Mickey D's gift card? And those choc chip cookies?? Yum! I've been know to sneak treats that are packaged up for mailing, too! ;-\ Have a blessed rest of the week! XO

  3. What an awesome week!! :) This was such an amazing project! (I didn't follow through as well as I had hoped.) I love the Holiday Mail for Heroes and Christmas box projects!! Thanks for sharing, have a blessed day!!

  4. Looks like a great week! We also did Operation Christmas Child this week. The perfect timing encouraged me to complete the boxes.
