

I know I've been MIA lately, but I have a reason...WE SOLD OUR HOUSE!!

It's been a crazy whirlwind of action around here...finishing up our master bathroom (getting it pretty for someone else), keeping the house spotless for showings and open houses, meetings with our Realtor and signing lots of documents. I feel like it has been a full-time job.

BUT, all of that has paid off...we listed our house and got it sold in 11 days! God is so goooooood!!

So here is some Instagrams to get caught up on the everyday stuff.

Homemade french bread with brushetta for dinner. At 8pm.

Date night with my man. 21 and over movie theatre...yuussss!

With flavored popcorn butters...hello rosemary bacon!

Anything above 100 degrees in the Northwest is "hot"

My phone was hijacked by a silly 7 year old

The kids and I harvested honey with my mom. The kids were just eating it off the frame. It's SO good!

Nutella Banana Cookies. I'm happy I found another recipe, besides banana bread, where I can use ripe bananas. Recipe here.

My kitchen helper. 16 months old.

Got stung by a bee on my toe and my entire foot swelled up like the incredible hulk. Can you tell which is which?

Weird side note...I was standing in the book aisle of Goodwill when it happened. Not walking around in a patch of flowers, making crazy fast motions. Just standing there! This is the second time in the last 3 or 4 months that I've been stung. What's up with that? Bee 02 / Me 00

Sausage stuffed zucchini boats. SO good! Recipe here.

Are you seeing a theme here? I have a thing about food...I like it. A LOT! 

Someone was T-I-R-E-D at lunchtime! She ate her lunch and just dozed off.

And to that I will say, Good Night.

Have a great weekend!

life rearranged

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