

Spring Break 2015

Last week, we went down to Southern California for my Grandmother's funeral. This was a bitter-sweet trip...sad to say our final good-byes, but great to see family.

We also had a day to go to Disneyland and the kids had a blast!

Of course, she had to navigate.

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

Cotton Candy that was almost as big as her

So glad Uncle Spencer got to join us!

Star Tours

Mouse Ears

FUN FACT: Did you know that you can ask any Disney employee any Disney-movie/character-related question and they have to give you an answer on the spot? And if they don't know the answer, there is a special number they call to get you the answer! WOW!

We have a friend who used to work at Disneyland who told us about this little Disney tidbit, so we tried it. Thinking I was asking a tough question, I asked an employee, "what was Wall-e's favorite musical?" Without batting an eye, he responded "Hello Dolly." Whoa, awesome.

Tea Cups


 And Snow White

And, of course, no trip would be to California would be complete without In-n-Out...a family fave.

Have you been to Disneyland? What are your favorite things to do there?

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