

Easter Weekend

I've missed quite a few days weeks blogging and have lots to catch up on. I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend!

Every year, my family does a big Italian meal for Easter dinner and it ALWAYS includes ravioli. On Thursday my mom and I made them, with Sweet Pea's help!

My Great Grandmother always made them from scratch without any of the fancy tools...impressive! This is her in her younger years.

My mom said she always dressed sharply to go anywhere. She was German, but learned to cook from Great Grandpa's mother, who was from Italy.

My Great Grandparents

We went to Good Friday service and then dinner out with my parents on Friday.

Saturday was Easter Egg Hunt day...

The kids wanted nothing to do with the Easter Bunny. HA!

On Sunday, we went to church and then out to my parents' house for our yummy Italian feast! I ate waaaay too much, then topped it off with this...

Mmm! Cannoli. SO good!

We did another little Easter egg hunt for the kids on Easter afternoon in Nana's garden.

We went home and crashed from a busy, but fun weekend. I hope you had a blessed Easter! 

The angel said, “Don’t be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead!
- Mark 16:6

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