


I started a new Bible Study this morning...

It's a half marathon training along with a Bible Study. I'm really excited about it and the girls in our group are awesome! We're all at different levels of running/walking, but we all have a common interest and goal...God and fitness :)

Last night I stayed up waaaaay too late and caught up on Parenthood. Do you watch that show? I can't get enough of it. I can relate to almost each family set on some level. I can't believe the season finale is next week...what's up with that?

Parenthood - Season 1 (2010)

After that all-nighter, this tired mama needed some Sonic Happy Hour today

The kids had some friends over and then I whipped up some hot dogs for dinner...real fancy, I know! 

I'm looking forward to the weekend! How 'bout you?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting about this book! It looks like a great study. What a great one to do with a group of ladies that what you be healthy all around. (I found your blog through Pinterest) :)
