
My Boy

Have I ever told you how much I love this boy?

God gave him such a loving and thoughtful heart.

Last night I was tucking him in and he asked for his daddy because he had a surprise to tell him about. Then, this morning my hubby got up with the baby, let me sleep in and then he and the boy brought me breakfast in bed. They brought me a cinnamon roll, milk and coffee.

That was the surprise. For me. That he thought of all by himself.

I felt so loved and special.

I really needed it too. I've been feeling down and icky lately due to lack of sleep, not working out and eating lots of junk. But he (and his daddy) made me feel like a million bucks this morning!

Plus I dragged myself into the gym the last 2 days and have been eating a little better. It's amazing how much all of that affects me.

While at the gym today, standing at the front desk with all 3 kids, the boy comes up and says, "look mom! I lost my tooth!!" The lady at the front desk chuckled and asked me if I wanted an envelope. It was pretty funny.

We were just at the dentist yesterday and he said it was close to coming out. Plus, there's already a tooth coming in behind it.

Never a dull moment around here :)

I hope you had a great Wednesday!

1 comment:

imaya said...

Ah, what a sweet boy-how special :-) Am right there with you on the lack of sleep resulting in lack of workouts.